¿Alguna vez pensaste en la posibilidad de conocer a las bandas que te gustan por vender cupcakes? ¿No? ¿Si?
Eso fue lo que le pasó a Clara Polito, una chica de Los Angeles que desde sus 14 años empezó con su negocio de postres veganos en un foro de música underground: The Smell.
Rápidamente fue conocida por sus ricos y originales cakes como por su dulce personalidad y fue contactada por Vans, Nylon y otros medios dedicados a la pastelería.
Ahora vende sus postres en Pizzanista! y se va de gira con diferentes grupos.
Ahora vende sus postres en Pizzanista! y se va de gira con diferentes grupos.
Clara le contestó algunas preguntas a E. Láser
- If you were a dessert, what kind of dessert would you like to be? -
I’m trying to come up with a dessert piece by piece according to my personality. Probably some weird brownie-cookie-pretzel-cake-bar because I can never decide on anything.
- Who designed your logo? -
My very talented friend Lulu White! I hit her up about doing my logo and then she worked her magic! She’s amazing and will be a famous artist soon.
- If you had a band, what instrument would you like to play? -
Any instrument that allows me to dance since I love dancing. Probably the bass? I feel like you can kinda fool around more with the bass. I’m not suave enough for the guitar.
- What are the names of your pets? -
Chip, who is a blind chihuahua. He’s my little baby boy. Rosa, who’s some sorta chihuahua Pekingese mix, and Liberty, a gray terrier of some sort. We adopted them all from animal shelters so they’re all crazy little mutts.
- Do you believe in aliens? -
Yes! Absolutely. I hope I can meet an alien in this lifetime and give it a cupcake and see if it can even eat cupcakes.
- Do you believe in true love? -
I do--but I think it exists in so many different forms. I think you can find true love in your friends, your family, your talents, and of course, your significant other. I don’t think it’s as cut and dry as it’s made out to be. Like the whole “soulmate” thing is really heavy. You never know who you’re going to connect with in life, so I don’t think a soulmate slot is limited to only one person.
-What will you do in the summer? -
Still figuring that out! Working on projects and ideas that are floating around in my head, hopefully traveling, and making some ice cream sandwiches.
-What is the meaning of " life style" for you? -
I guess how you go through life according to your taste and preferences that apply to everything from how you drink your coffee to the people you surround yourself with. Who knows really! I mainly hang out at home with my dogs so that’s kinda my lifestyle.